Bits ‘n Pieces Quilt Club meets every Monday night at the United Church in Carlyle. For more information, contact Wendy Walters at (306) 453-6345. Find on Facebook @bitsandpiecesquiltclub
Carlyle Curling Club offers Monday and Thursday afternoon curling for seniors, Monday and Thursday night league curling. Fore more information find them on Facebook @carlylecurlingclub or online: www.carlylecurlingclub.com or email carlylecurlingclub@gmail.com
Carlyle Golf Club – located along #13 highway, hosts a 9 hole golf course for Tee times please call: (306) 453-6344. Find on Facebook @carlylegolfclub or email carlylegolfclub@sasktel.net
Carlyle Minor Ball provides a source of physical activity for children of all ages. For more information, contact Scott Nicholson, president at 306-575-3277. Email: carlyleminorball2017@gmail.com or find on Facebook @carlyleminorball
Please see Parks and Playground Section for 2021 ball diamond schedule.
Carlyle Minor Hockey provides an opportunity for children in the following age categories:
Initiation (6 & under) , 8 & under, Atom (10 & under), Pee Wee (11 & under), Bantam (13 & under), Midget (15 & under). For more information, contact Jason Dixon, President at (306) 577-7388. Website or find on facebook @carlyleminorhockey. email admin@carlyeminorhockey.com
Carlyle Hooters and Carlyle Cowboys are recreational hockey clubs. For more information, contact Shayne McAuley (Hooters) at (306) 453-6280 or Dean Sargent (Cowboys) at (306) 453-6789.
Carlyle PureChem Cougars, Senior Hockey League – Big Six League –the Cougars are on both Twitter (@carlylecougars) and Facebook @carlylecougars to keep everyone up to date on everything Carlyle Cougars.
For information call (306)575-9293 or email:carlylecougars@gmail.com
Carlyle Sports Arena is managed by the Town of Carlyle, please contact the Parks, Recreation & Culture Director at 306-453-2367 for booking information. The arena ice schedule can be viewed through the Carlyle Minor Hockey website Carlyle Arena Ice Schedule
Carlyle Skating Club offers CanSkate, Bridging and Star Skate programs. Fore more information email at carlyleskatingclub@gmail.com or find them on Facebook under Carlyle Skating Club.
Cornerstone Theatre Cornerstone Theatre Inc. is based in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan, drawing both cast and audience from areas in and around Carlyle. The troupe hosts two live productions each year, usually in the spring and winter. For more information, contact Don Carter at (306) 453-2229, or via email at doncarter@sasktel.net
CrossFit – Carlyle has its own Crossfit club – Living Skies Strength and Training find them on Facebook or contact them at (306) 577-1887.
Crescent Point Leisure Complex (Carlyle Pool) – located right next to the Carlyle Lion’s park is home to a junior Olympic size pool which was recently upgraded to have zero-entry access as well as a kiddie pool. Lifesaving Society swimming lessons are available during the summer months – check with the pool for current availability (306) 453-6456. During the summer months aqua-fit classes and lane swimming are available. Look for them on Facebook under Carlyle Pool- Carlyle and District Leisure Complex for upcoming events, or contact by email: carlylecomplex@gmail.com
Dance Classes for youth are available in our community, please check our business directory for more information.
Fitness Classes there are a variety of fitness classes available in the area contact Built 4 Life Gym for more information at (306) 453-2313 or Lotus Tree Wellness & Healing at (306) 453-3334.
Happy Gang Club is a senior (55+) group that gets together to have FUN. For more information, contact Pat Anderson at (306) 453-6471.
Indoor Walking Group there is an indoor walking group through the Winter months at the Carlyle Elementary School. They get together on Mondays & Wednesdays from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. No registration necessary, just show up with your indoor walking shoes. For more information contact Laura Thompson (306) 453-2075 or Frances Boutin at (306) 577-1279.
Karate- Moose Mountain Wado-Kai Karate runs Tuesday evenings from September to June at their building located on the north side of Highway 13. There are classes for ages 5 to 8, 8 to 12, and Adults. For more information, Kevin Dyck at (306) 577-8783. Website: Moose Mountain Karate or find on Facebook @moosemountainkarate
Moose Mountain Jumpers offers gymnastics classes for youth of all ages, for more information email moosemountainjumpers@gmail.com or find on Facebook at Moose Mountain Jumpers Gymnastics Club
Moose Mountain Snowmobile Club offers groomed trails, poker derbies and relaxing winter outings. For more information, go to www.mmsnowmobileclub.com or contact Troy Foster at 306-577-7771.
Moose Mountain Soccer offers kids an opportunity to have some fun and get some exercise. For more information, contact us at carlylesoccer@gmail.com , or check our website Moose Mountain Soccer
Motor X Club is a fun filled club that offers a fun time on motorbikes. For more information, contact Susan or Kelly Rekken at (306) 453-4447 or (306) 453-2230.