Carlyle Homespun Craft & Quilt Show
September 14 & 15, 2024
"The biggest little craft show in Saskatchewan”

Homespun attracts over 70 vendors from across Canada and approximately 4,000 shoppers a year to the town of 1,300. Morphing from a one-day, one-event show to a two-day, three-event show showcasing crafts, quilts and collectible vehicles, vendors sell over $170,000 worth of goods during the festivities.
Homespun Craft Show and Sale has been dubbed "The Biggest Little Craft Show in Saskatchewan”.
Nicole Currie
Box 446
Carlyle, SK S0C 0R0
Tel: (306) 577-8915 Carlyle,
"The biggest little craft show in Saskatchewan" is held at the Carlyle Sports Arena
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