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Building Permits

Be sure to contact the Town Office if there is anything you are unsure about when planning to develop a property!

The Town of Carlyle requires that an application for building permit be completed for any construction over 10′ x 10′ (100 square feet) as per bylaw No. 2019-01.  There are a number of items that need to be included with your application, to name a few:

  • a proposed development site plan
  • A plan showing, with labels, the elevations, floor plans, and a perspective drawing of the proposed development
  • A landscape plan
The permit fee for construction, erection, placement, alteration, repair, renovation or reconstruction of a building shall be based on the following fee schedule:

$5.00 per $1,000.00 for the first $5,000, and $.50 per $1,000.00 thereafter

As well the Town contracts the services of MuniCode for site and plan reviews.  There are additional forms to be completed for MuniCode that are similar to the initial application but are requirements of their plan review, they can be picked up at the Town Office.  If you have building content questions you can contact MuniCode directly at (306) 955-6355.

Note: the fee(s) for this plan review is also passed on to the registered owner

There shall be no fee for a permit to demolish or remove a building.
However, the applicant shall deposit with the local authority the sum of $500.00 to cover the cost of restoring the site after the building has been demolished or removed to such condition that it is, in the opinion of the local authority or its authorized representative, not dangerous to public safety.

If the applicant who demolishes or removes the building restores the site to a condition satisfactory to the local authority or its authorized representative, the sum deposited, or portion thereof, shall be refunded.
Property Pin Locates are to be completed by a Licensed Land Surveyor - the Town of Carlyle is not permitted to mark pins.  For more information on surveying companies you can go to the Saskatchewan Land Surveyors Association website:
Sask land Survey info
Carlyle Zoning Map